Thursday, October 31, 2013

crafty addiction and other stuff

Ok so I took yet another class on For a while I've been wanting to get into crocheting. My grandma tried to teach me as a kid. Although as many kids I didn't want to sit around and crochet I rather be out riding my bike or something lol so I never really picked it up. I noticed the crochet class was on sale and decided to pick it up. I'm halfway thru the series but it's hard because the instructor, like most people in life are right handed and I'm not. What's nice about craftsy is that students can use the message forum that displays next to the video to ask questions, answer questions from other students, make comments and so on. So on one of the comments the suggested that lefties try a youtuber who goes by the name of crochet guru. So I decided to give her vids a try. I also found another channel crochet guru.  Both channels was very helpful and they have patterns done with both hands so I've been watching them both along with Vickie's vids. I figure it would be good to watch as many as I can to learn different techniques such as how to do a slip knot. Not everyone does it the same way so its interesting to watch. I've done a few swatches and halfway thru my techie cozy project,  but with my ADD I quickly get bored working on one project and decide to jump to the next lol.

I'm a hooker!

Ok so years and years ago (I'm getting old ok) my grannie tried to teach me crochet. I think I paid attention for like 5 mins and ran off and rode my bike (I loved that thing). Anywho here I am trying to pick it and knitting back up again as an adult. I'm still a nob but I'm getting the hang of it. So far I did a few swatches and grannie squares which I decided to sew together to make a blanket for Zo, the newest addition to the family. Its' almost the end of June Zo's still not here yet. I've decided to give up the jewelry hustle for now and concentrate on just crocheting squares. Just until I get in the new place. I'll have a table and plenty of space in my new room which I'm uber excited to diy up lol.